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Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Hartsfield we endeavour to promote our children’s mental health and wellbeing as being every bit as important as their physical health. Our staff are trained to understand the impact of good mental health to help to ensure we have a resilient staff and pupils.   We have a broad curriculum where the “5 Ways to Wellbeing” are adopted.  We recognise supportive pathways for those without good mental health within school, and work with outside agencies such as the NHS Mental Health Services and play therapists.

Our policy document is below this note- it tells you what we do on a day-to-day basis in school to support the mental health of pupils and staff.

Please use the buttons below to go through to advice and information for parents on different aspects of mental health. If you would like personal or specific information, then please contact our mental health lead, Mrs K Dearn, via the school office.

If you think your child is too anxious to attend school please let us know; do not feel you have to say they are "sick," please feel that you can tell us what it is like for you each morning- we will have heard similar before and want to help you. This link contains helpful information for parents, including the Local Authority guide for parents of children who may have Emotional-Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
If your child is too anxious to go to school (

In Hertfordshire, many mental health services are delivered through the NHS- here is a link to what is available: