Our Governors
Governing Body of Hartsfield School - 2024-2025
Instrument of Government: Community schools
With effect from 15th December 2017
The governing body consists of:
- 4 parent governors
- 1 LA governor
- 1 staff governor
- 1 headteacher
- 7 co-opted governors
Total number of governors: 14
Our Governors for 2024-25
Name |
Category |
Appointing Body |
Term of Office |
Mrs Sian Chrimes |
Co-Opted |
Governors |
08/03/2021-7/03/2025 |
Ms Laura Gregory |
Staff |
Staff-teaching |
09/10/2020 - 08/10/2028 |
Mr Charlie Robinson |
Parent |
Parents |
18/11/2023– 17/11/2027 |
Mrs Allison Gaskell |
Co-Opted |
Governors |
07/03/2021 - 06/03/2025 |
Dr Kevin Lock |
Co-opted |
Parents |
18/10/2022 - 17/10/2026 |
Mrs Hayley Yates |
Governors |
02/03/2020 - 01/03/2024 02/03/2024 - 01/03/2028 |
Mrs Joanne Dawson | LA | Governors | 07/12/2021 - 06/12/2025 |
Mr Daniel Matthews |
Parent |
Parents |
07/12/2021 - 06/12/2025 |
Mrs Philippa Smith |
Headteacher |
05/09/2016 - |
Kayleigh Kingsland |
Clerk to Gov. | County/Governors | 04/12/2017- |
Mrs Lynda Caldwell | Clerk to committees | Governors | 2018- |
Mr Roy Darcy |
Co-Opted Associate Member |
Governors Governors |
26/04/2017 - 1/03/2021 1/03/2021 - 28/02/2025 |
Mrs Kathryn Dearn |
Associate Member | Governors |
13/03/2021 - 12/03/2025 |
Mrs Clare Nelson | Associate Member | Governors |
13/03/2021 - 12/03/2025 |
Ms Donna Munson | Associate Member | Governors |
13/03/2021 - 12/3/2025 |
Governors who have left in last year:
- Mrs Catherine McLeod left the Governing Body on 17/11/2023
- Mrs Julie Carle left the Governing Body on 01/12/2023
- Sandie Rice left the Governing Body on 23/07/2024
- Tanya Gribble left the Governing Body on 24/07/2024
- Paula Holland left the Governing Body on 01/10/2024
- Inderjeet Wilkhu left the Governing body on 24/10/2024
Committee Memberships and Responsibilities - 2024/25
Name |
Committees |
Responsibilities |
Relevant business interests |
Mrs Sian Chrimes |
Head teacher Appraisal, Pay & Personnel |
Chair of Governors English and Science |
None |
Mrs Hayley Yates |
Vice Chair of Governors Safeguarding, safer recruitment, attendance |
Mr Bob Hopcraft |
Premises |
Geography, History, RE |
Miss Laura Gregory |
Year 6 teacher, UKS2 Phase Leader, MFL coordinator |
None |
Mrs Allison Gaskell |
Premises |
Chair of Premises Committee, SEND & CLA PPG Mental Health & Wellbeing |
None |
Dr Kevin Lock |
Finance |
Maths, Art, MFL |
Parent of children at the school |
Mr Charlie Robinson |
Finance |
Design and technology PE |
Mr Daniel Matthews |
Finance |
Chair of Finance Committee Computing and Cyber security PSHCE, British Values |
Parent of children at the school |
Mrs Joanne Dawson |
EYFS (Early Years) and Music |
Governor at Longmeadow School (Effective from 29.3.22) Employee of Hertfordshire County Council |
Mr Roy Darcy |
Associate Governor-Premises |
Premises |
Personal relationship with another staff member |
Mrs Philippa Smith |
All committees |
Headteacher |
Friendship-2 members of staff |
Ms Donna Munson |
Associate Governor-Finance |
School Business Manager |
Personal relationship with another staff member |
Kathryn Dearn |
Associate Governor |
Assistant Head and SENCO |
None |
Clare Nelson |
Associate Governor |
Assistant Head/ EYFS/KS1 lead |
Husband is regional director for Urban & Civic |
Kayleigh Kingsland |
Full governors |
Clerk to the Governors |
None |
Lynda Caldwell |
Finance and Premises |
Clerk to the Governing Body Committees |
Employed by Hartsfield School |
Governing Body Committee Attendance Record for 2023/24
Committee |
Name of Member |
Attendance 2023/24 |
Full Governing Body |
Mrs Sian Chrimes – Chair of Governors Mrs Tanya Gribble - Vice-Chair of Governors Mrs Sandi Rice Miss Laura Gregory Mrs Julie Carle Mrs Allison Gaskell Ms Hayley Yates Mrs Paula Holland Mr Dan Matthews Mrs Joanna Dawson Dr Kevin Lock Mr Charlie Robinson Mrs Philippa Smith (Head Teacher) Mrs Kathryn Dearn Mrs Clare Nelson Ms Donna Munson Mr Roy Darcy |
6/6 6/6 4/6 6/6 1/1 4/6 6/6 0/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 3/4 5/6 1/1 0/0 1/6 0/0 |
Finance Committee
Mrs Tanya Gribble (chair)
Mrs Joanna Dawson Mrs Julie Carle Dr Kevin Lock Mrs Philippa Smith Ms Donna Munson Mr Dan Mathews Mrs Sian Chrimes |
3/3 1/1 2/3 3/3 3/3 2/3 3/3 |
Premises Committee
Pay & Personnel Committee |
Mrs Allison Gaskell - Chair Mrs Paula Holland Mr Roy Darcy Mrs Philippa Smith
Mrs Sian Chrimes Mrs Joanna Dawson Mrs Sandie Rice Mrs Philippa Smith |
2/2 2/2 2/2 1/2
2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 |