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Our Hartsfield School colours are dark green, white and black. Please ensure all items are clearly named.

Winter Uniform

  • White shirt/ blouse or polo shirt 
  • Plain black school uniform trousers or shorts
  • Black appropriate length skirt, black pinafore dress or black trousers, culottes or shorts 
  • Dark green jumper, cardigan or school sweatshirt 
  • Grey, white or black socks or black tights
  • Black flat shoes or black trainers 
  • A warm coat/ hat and gloves as appropriate
  • Wellies (for Foundation Stage only) 
  • Named water bottle 

Summer Uniform: 

  • White shirt/ blouse or polo shirt 
  • Plain black school uniform trousers or shorts 
  • Black appropriate length school skirt, pinafore dress, trousers, culottes or  shorts 
  • Green & white checked gingham dress 
  • Dark green jumper, cardigan  or school sweatshirt 
  • Grey, white or black socks 
  • Black flat shoes, black trainers or dark, or neutral plain closed toe sandals  
  • Wellies (for Foundation Stage only)
  • Named water bottle 

P.E. / Outdoor Games to be worn on 'PE days' as shared with parents at the beginning of each academic year: 

  • White T-shirt 
  • Dark green shorts (P.E.) 
  • Black jogging bottoms/ leggings (Outdoor Games) 
  • Dark green jumper, cardigan or school sweatshirt 
  • Trainers - plus an additional change of footwear is needed in school if PE sessions are planned on the field- (teachers will make parents aware) 

Where to purchase Uniform

Uniform items can be purchased from high street retailers.

Sweatshirts, polo shirts, fleeces and cardigans with the school logo can be purchased though

Items with the school logo are not obligatory however our parents have reported that these items are hard wearing, long-lasting and therefore good value.

To support Hartsfield families, we have regular ‘Pre-loved Uniform’ sales, organised by the Friends of Hartsfield School, where good condition items with the school logo are available for a greatly reduced price. Please contact the school office if you have any questions or require additional support.


Mid length/ long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons. Hair should not be coloured and should therefore be the child’s natural colour.

Children should not wear make-up or coloured nail polish to school.

Jewellery and other valuables

Jewellery, including rings should not be worn to school as nasty accidents can occur. If your child has pierced ears, only small studs should be worn in the interest of safety. Earrings must not be worn in P.E Any child whose earrings cannot be removed for medical reasons, can undertake P.E. providing the earrings are covered by a plaster or tape. 

Whilst watches and devices such as fitbits may be worn to school, we cannot accept responsibility for their safekeeping and they will be removed for PE lessons. Mobile ‘phones must be named and kept in the designated secure area for that year group during the school days and ‘smart’ watches that have an internet connection should not be worn.

Religious clothing

Some religions and beliefs require their members to conform to a specific dress code. Hartsfield School does not discriminate against any religion or belief; however, the school must weigh the needs and rights of individual pupils against the cohesion and health and safety concerns of the entire school community. The school endeavours to allow most religious requirements to be met.

Parents’/carers’ concerns and requests regarding religious clothing are dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the Headteacher and Governing Body, and always in accordance with the school’s Complaints Policy.


The headteacher can make exemptions to uniform requirements on the grounds of disability or medical need following discussions with the child's parents.